Page 29 - Mosaic Sustainability Report 2012

The Mosaic Company, 2012 Sustainability Report
Total as of December 31, 2011
three of fices. Mosaic donated the land and all
construction costs for the fire station and park
as par t of an agreement with Manatee Count y,
stemming from our Altman Tract mine permit,
which was approved by the count y in Januar y
Mosaic constructed both amenities for
an estimated $2.5 million. The agreement also
includes a $319,000 commitment by Mosaic,
to be paid over three years, for operating and
maintaining the park.
Mosaic has extended its land stewardship
into building Streamsong
a resor t in Central
Florida built on previously mined land. The
resor t will feature golf courses, conference
facilities, nature trails, fine dining and a spa.
Located between Tampa and Orlando, Mosaic is
developing Streamsong with a commitment to
its surrounding resources. Protecting the
land and water will be paramount in the
resor t’s design.
Stream Reclamation
A stream’s function in a watershed is complex,
and just like native wetlands, these reclaimed
systems, depending on their t ype, have dif ferent
requirements for water timing and quantit y. In
Stephens Branch, a tributar y to the Peace
River within Mosaic’s South For t Meade mine,
was designed to deliver and drain the appropriate
amounts of water to suppor t the connected
wetland systems. If the streams that connect
those systems don’t function properly, those
habitats will not thrive. Mosaic uses sophisticated
Rosgen stream modeling techniques and
simulated flood-flows to design reclaimed
stream systems that provide proper hydrological
function, wildlife corridors and aquatic habitat.
Our reclamation exper ts consider more than
just the stream channel — they create buf fers
around the stream by planting wetland sod along
the banks to develop floodplain systems that
connect to adjacent upland areas. These buf fer
areas are vital to developing ef fective wildlife
corridors and a proper canopy over the stream.
Preserved acres include all areas designated as non-impacted
floodplain, preservation and granted conservation easements for
existing mines and permits.