Page 31 - Mosaic Sustainability Report 2012

The Mosaic Company, 2012 Sustainability Report
Additional Biodiversity Highlights
In 2011, Mosaic’s Florida Phosphate operations
relocated 754 gopher tor toises, including
juveniles. In addition, we relocated or were
allowed to move out of harm’s way a total of
commensal species — the other animals
that live in a gopher tor toise burrow. (Tor toise
burrows provide homes for over
documented species, such as frogs,
crickets, snakes and small mammals.)
Mosaic has partnered with Audubon Florida
to manage the Richard T. Paul Alafia Bank
Bird Sanctuar y in Hillsborough Count y. In
Mosaic provided a grant to install wave-
at tenuation devices around two barrier islands
owned by Mosaic, with nearly 18,000 nesting
birds. These devices intercept ship wakes and
storm waves to prevent fur ther erosion, loss of
nesting island habitats and ground predators
from invading the bird colonies.
The Mosaic Company Foundation is
par tnering with Tampa Bay Watch in Tampa Bay
on a multi-year oyster bed restoration project.
Oyster reef restoration helps to filter the entire
watershed and provides critical habitats for
other species. As the project begins, employees
of Mosaic will have oppor tunities to join in the
hands-on conser vation activities.
The Mosaic Company Foundation invested
in a joint Audubon Louisiana and Audubon
Florida habitat conser vation initiative to expand
coastal habitat stewardship. The initiative links
the birds who summer near our Saskatchewan
Potash operations and winter near our Florida
Phosphate operations, as par t of a hemispheric
flyways program to reverse shorebird population
Florida Wildlife Corridor
In 2011, Mosaic announced its title sponsorship
of the Florida Wildlife Corridor Expedition
documentar y. It covers the 1,000-mile trek in
days by conser vation leaders to increase
awareness and generate suppor t for the Florida
Wildlife Corridor project, which aims to connect
natural lands and waters from the Florida
Everglades in the south to southeast Georgia’s
Okefenokee Swamp in the nor th through
which many species migrate. The completed
documentar y will begin airing in the fall of 2012
and will show the natural heritage of Central
Florida by traversing the wildlife habitats,
watersheds, working farms and ranches, which
together comprise the Florida Wildlife Corridor
oppor tunit y area.